Dix Hallpike test
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is by far the most common inner ear related cause of vertigo. This condition is caused by crystals being formed in the labyrinth causing vertigo (associated with head movement).
Postural dizziness is very common. Often it is associated with dehydration, low blood pressure, anaemia and medications.
Meniere’s Disease is a condition that classically causes a triad of symptoms (one sided hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo). When there is a Ménière’s disease attack, it may lasts for 20 minutes to 20 hours. Often during this prolonged period, the patient will feel blockage in one ear (partial hearing loss), tinnitus and vertigo. We will use Pure Tone Audiogram (PTA) to assess patients if they have this the typical low frequency inner ear hearing loss. This is required to make a proper and accurate diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease.
Brain stem stroke can also cause sudden dizziness and vertigo. Cranial nerve examination helps to diagnose any brain stem function abnormalities. If there is any concerns or doubt, a CT scan of the brain and internal auditory meatus (IAM) will be arrsnfed for further assessment.